Now certified as an Akashic Records reader

I attended a three day intensive workshop hosted by my friend Creek Lady Healer who brought in Boni Oian. The training made for long, long hours but the results were profound. By opening my Akashic Records I was able to learn the root source of issues I struggle with in this life. Releasing those issues was joyous. Equally profound was reading for others in attendance and helping them recognize their source issues and releasing those blocks. Being able to read the Akashic Records for myself and others is going to be a wonderfully useful gift to provide healing and guidance. And to think I almost didn't attend but the Universe provided and made sure I was where I needed to be. Much gratitude also to Creek Lady Healer and Boni Oian.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thank the Guides!

I've been working a temp position that involves a 40 minute commute.  I generally allow about 20 minutes extra on the drive so that I arrived in plenty of time to find parking and get my day pass from the security desk.  Yesterday, things just didn't click and I found myself running about 15 minutes behind.  Halfway there, I realized that the lot I park in is pretty small and would likely be filled up by the time I got there.  That triggered a round of angst because that lot is the only one that takes a credit/debit card for parking fees and I had no cash on me. As I spun myself up, I caught myself, took a deep breath and grounded and turned to the power of positive thinking. I WOULD find a parking space on my preferred lot.  Immediately I got the number 86.  I wasn't certain what part of the lot would have spot 86 since I had never parked in it but I took comfort and drove on.  As I pulled into the lot, I immediately spied an empty spot on the second row and you guessed it, it turned out to be 86!  I was so thankful.  It so happens there was another spot nearby that would have been easier to maneuver my car into but I wasn't about to take any chances.  I parked in spot 86.  And today, when I got to the lot, guess what spot was available again? Yep, spot 86!  Thank the Guides!  You are greatly appreciated!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Flax Seed Hair Gel

I am an avid believer in "wellness" care as opposed to "illness care", embracing the old addage "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Today I was perusing one of Rosemary Gladstar's blogs and came across  a very intriguing use for flax seed.  She uses it to create a natural hair gel.  With my hair cut very short, I rely on "product" to lift the hair into those wonderful spikes and faux hawk styles.  Since hair care products can be quite costly and laced with chemicals to boot, this recipe is definitely on my "must try" list.

I will be sure to let you know how it turns out for me.  Click here to see Rosemary Gladstar's post.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Green Goddess Creations - Blue Pendant for Nov. 24th Craft Fair

I will be exhibiting my jewelry (or should I say vending since it will be for sale?...) at the 2nd Annual Native American Christmas Market in Sapulpa, Oklahoma on Nov. 24, the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  I will be vending under the name Green Goddess Creations. I chose that name because the underlying theme for my jewelry is to be "green" in that I recycle and repurpose objects wherever I can and I want to incorporate items from nature when possible.  Hopefully everyone has forgotten there was once a salad dressing called Green Goddess.  I wonder if it is still out there?...

My recent creations have all been wire wrapped recycled glass. Tonight, I made a blue pendant with spirals using two colors of wire.  Turned out rather nicely I think.  Crafting jewelry is so relaxing and stimulates my creative urges. 

I am working hard to get enough creations made for the show.  As I sit here looking around for objects to craft into new pieces, I am whirling possibilities about recycling pop cans and using river rocks and pecan branches from a deadfall limb that dropped in my yard -- not necessarily all of them together, but you never know. The mind is churning as off I go to begin dabbling and conspiring.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Altered Witch Shoe Challenge

What a darling idea!  Ok, so I am a little behind on this since it is a September post in preparation for Samhain but I am intrigued with the concept nevertheless.  Perhaps I will do a Winter Altered Witch Shoe Challenge.... I definitely have shoes fit for the task...  What do you think Witchy Ones?  Shall we go for it?

Relaxing Music for Meditation

Here are a few YouTube videos showing the various types of meditation music I find helpful for my purposes. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Relaxing Spa Music Long Time Mix By Spavevo

Meditation: OM Chant 432 Hz


Native American flute meditation

The Cumberland Crew (ocarina)

Relaxing Celtic Music - Morning Dew

Aeoliah - Healing Music for Reiki - Hearts of the future

How to Meditate

Meditation is a very important part of my psychic sessions and oracle card readings.  What makes for a good meditation? A good quiet environment to start.  Eventually, with practice, you can meditate in any circumstance, but to start, you should pick a good quiet place where you will not be disturbed.  For some, the only chance may be while soaking in the tub. So be it. When my daughter was very young, I fell in that category myself.  Currently, I have two private places in my home for meditation use.  I have my sun room and then I have an unattached studio.  Because my studio is unheated, I will be spending the winter months in my sun room.

Something I find very helpful are music and incense.  While neither of these items are essential for meditation, they do help create an ambience which could be helpful to the beginner.  My personal preferences in incense are earthy, woodsy, full bodied smells.  One of my all time favorites is nag champa which is readily found in metaphysical/new age shops and sometimes even Wal-Mart.  If you don't have access to a metaphysical/new age store, many tobacco shops carry incense.  Another very dear favorite of mine is Lumbini rope incense which I purchase online from Essence of the Ages website.  They are reasonably priced and ship very quickly.

Although my incense choices are pretty stable with one of the above, my music choices vary widely.  The one thing they always have in common is no lyrics unless it is some sort of chant.  Depending on my purpose for meditation (yes, there are different types of meditations and different purposes which I will cover in separate posts) One time I may choose a Celtic melody, another time something with Native American flutes or Native American drum beats, or music suitable for Reiki.   I will cover meditation music more indepth in other posts.

2012 Presidential Election Predictions

Voting is ongoing for the 2012 Presidential Election. This election will be quite close with emotions running high. There will be recount demands, especially in those areas where Hurricane Sandy hit. In some areas where tensions run exceptionally high -- California and New York -- there will be riots. Lots of car tossing, bricks through glass store fronts and fire settings in trash cans etc. No major damage but lots of Police interaction and ultimate arrests of the unruly. Many friendships will be strained over the results of the election. The winner will be by a very narrow margin. It will be 7 to 10 days before the outcome is finalized and announced as official.

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