
Clergy Services


I would very much like to help you on your journey, in any way available to me. I offer several options for readings so please take moment to look those over and see what feels most comfortable for you. Thank you for taking the time to learn about me and my gifts. I look forward to sharing them with you in a spiritually guided experience.


Psychic readings, Past Life readings, Akashic Records readings (via phone):
- $20 for 15 minutes
- $30 for 30 minutes
- $1 per minute after 30 minutes

Oracle card readings (via email) :,
- $15 for 3 card spread,
- $25 Relationship spread

Can also do readings by Skype and WizIQ.

For reading requests:

Contact me using the webchat option or form to the left to request a reading or message me on Facebook.

Clergy Services

Rayven Michaels offers a variety of individual services. Currently, beyond readings and educational opportunities, Rayven offers the following to the community:

Rites of Passage – Rayven Michaels is trained in facilitating rituals to mark the important milestones and life changes within the local community. She recognizes that everyone has a different style and structure with such rituals, and will work with you for an appropriate expression of the rite. Traditional pagan Rites of Passage include:
  • Wiccaning – A ritual for young child, to bless, protect and consecrate that child.
  • Coming of Age – A rite for boys and girls ranging from early teens to early twenties, signifying entering into the role and responsibilities of adulthood.
  • Handfastings – A ceremony of commitment between a couple. The ritual can be a spiritual union only, or a legally binding marriage, Rayven is registered with the clerk of courts office (this is Parish specific). She welcomes all relationships of love whether they be straight, gay or lesbian (love, honor and respect are the key).
  • Handparting Ritual - Should the relationship end and ties need be broken.
  • Croning & Saging – A ritual of elderhood for women (Croning) or men (Saging) indicating entry into the phase of life that is marked by wisdom, maturity and mentorship.
  • Crossing – Rituals to aid an individual in passing from this life into the next life in the realm of spirit.
  • Funeral – A ceremony not only for the dead but for the living, to mourn and celebrate the life of the deceased.
  • Pet and/or Familiar passing ritual - A ceremony to honor our beloved furred or feathered friends.
Other services offered are:
  • House Blessings and Cleansing - Weather it is a new residence or old Rayven can tailor the ritual to suit your needs.
  • Pet Blessing - similar to a Wiccaning but for our furred and feathered friends.
  • Spiritual Counsel – Rayven is available for spiritual counseling and a wide range of healing services. Spiritual counsel is often done in conjunction with divination techniques and readings such as Tarot, Runes, Scrying and Mediumship.
  • Spiritual Healing – Rayven also offers spiritual healing in the Witchcraft traditions supplemented with complimentary modalities including energy work, Reiki, guided meditation, herbalism, flower essences, and crystal therapy.
  • Military Outreach – Military Outreach is available to provide written and/or electronic communication, supplies and support to those who are currently serving in any branch of the United States Military.


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