Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thank the Guides!

I've been working a temp position that involves a 40 minute commute.  I generally allow about 20 minutes extra on the drive so that I arrived in plenty of time to find parking and get my day pass from the security desk.  Yesterday, things just didn't click and I found myself running about 15 minutes behind.  Halfway there, I realized that the lot I park in is pretty small and would likely be filled up by the time I got there.  That triggered a round of angst because that lot is the only one that takes a credit/debit card for parking fees and I had no cash on me. As I spun myself up, I caught myself, took a deep breath and grounded and turned to the power of positive thinking. I WOULD find a parking space on my preferred lot.  Immediately I got the number 86.  I wasn't certain what part of the lot would have spot 86 since I had never parked in it but I took comfort and drove on.  As I pulled into the lot, I immediately spied an empty spot on the second row and you guessed it, it turned out to be 86!  I was so thankful.  It so happens there was another spot nearby that would have been easier to maneuver my car into but I wasn't about to take any chances.  I parked in spot 86.  And today, when I got to the lot, guess what spot was available again? Yep, spot 86!  Thank the Guides!  You are greatly appreciated!


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