Sunday, February 2, 2014

Back on My Feet

The illness that had plagued me is finally at bay. Sad to say, I did end up seeking medical help. I had bronchitis and my cough became so hard that my ribs paid dearly. I could not move without sending myself into horrible spasms of pain. No amount of ice or heating pad nor over the counter anti-inflammatories or essential oil lineaments would provide relief. It was with much shame as a healer that I conceded to go to the emergency room for treatment. I always believe is self healing first and allowing the body to try to master its ills on its own as it was designed to do. But every great now and again, I get bowled over and have to begrudgingly allow conventional medicine a place in my life. I must say I truly feel the better for it. I took all the antibiotics for the bronchitis and used the prescription anti-inflammatory only initially to help curb the pain so that I could rest peacefully. Now, the key will be to get back on top of my essential oil regimen so that I don't fall pray to such illness again. 

Imbolc was today but I had no time to do ritual. I left home before dawn and traveled  more than an hour to be with my grandchildren for the day. Though it is a narrow road through the country with no cellphone signal, the long miles passage through the dark morning hours went well. I arrived timely for my daughter to walk across the street to her work (what a lucky commute), I crawled into bed with my tiny tot grandson and snuggled down for an hour more of rest. What a great surprise it was to awaken and find not only the light of day but the white of snow! I should pay far more attention to the weather as a Witch than I have done. The snow came on fast and hard and swallowed the land in a sea of white. Knowing that I was far from home and the roads that would take me home are hilly, narrow, winding, treacherous and unforgiving I had a bit of a panic. So, back up plans for the day were made and my journey home began much earlier than originally planned. Only the weather, roads and very cautious drivers ruled the trip. I followed behind a big rig for never ending miles and he barely traveled 30 miles per hour. Trailing behind him was such a bluster of snow that would white out my windshield so I had no choice but to hang back and travel slower than he -- so I found myself traveling barely 20 miles per hour. I feared at times that I would not be able to gain the necessary speed to make the hills but my trusty van accommodated me nicely, thank goodness. After far longer than normal, I made it home. The snow easily mounted to 6 or more inches. I was quite surprised. I had expected mere *spitting* of snow flurries. Shame on me.

Weary from rising before dawn three days in a row and troubled nights of little sleep, exhaustion caught up with me and when home at last I went straight to bed. Now, when I should be sleeping, I am fully rested and lying awake in my bed banging away at my computer writing this post. Life is truly funny this way.

And so my Imbolc was spent in whiteness of winter with a cold promise of spring sometime in the future. I haven't taken the time to see what the Ground Hog predicted. If our weather mattered, there was no sun for shadows. However, my husband indicated that it was sunny for the Ground Hog. My question is, who said that particular Ground Hog has rule of the weather in my part of the world...?

I will ponder this more another time. Now I will jump off the computer and lie still for a while and see if sleep will claim me.

Bright Blessings,
Rayven Michaels

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